Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Animal Jam Free Rares WORKING 2019

Hi everyone. Let me just start out by saying this is not some type of scam or hack or whatever. I've gotten hacked plenty of times on aj and it's really annoying. I do not need your password or any of that stuff that other fake generators say they need. I have an account full of rares (most of which I have given away) but I have a few left.

So here's how this works. Send me an email at with your animal jam username and the items that you want from this list. Note: Due to demand you will only be allowed one. Please list five items that you want in the order that you want them and I'll try to give you your top choice if I have any left. Keep in mind that you only get ONE item. Also send me a buddy request at panda783 on aj. We can then meet on aj and I'll trade you your item.

Exception: If you are unable to meet me online in order to obtain your item please make a spare account and send me the username and password of that account. I will then trade the items over to that account.

rare long pink spiked wristband Gone!
black and grey striped top hat
red top hat
silver and gold elf tail armor
rare pink fox hat
pink worn
rare heart locket
rare fluffly fox hat
beta art easel
pusheen masterpiece (looks really cool)
rare carsousel hat Gone!
gingerbread garden and other gardens
pink glove
rare winter wishing well

KEEP IN MIND I have others items as well so send me an email if you're looking for something in particular and I can check if I have it. I have been playing since 2013 so chances are I probably do.

Note: ONE item per person MAX. Please do not ask for anymore than one item as there is a limited amount of items.

Example of an email:

user: example123
items: 1. rare long pink spiked wristband
           2. black top hat
           3. red top hat
           4. rare pink fox hat
           5. art easle